ELTEK MultimediaELTEK MultimediaELTEK Multimedia
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ELTEK MultimediaELTEK MultimediaELTEK Multimedia

Sisteme de Conferinta

Conferinte audio la standarde inalte

Ai intampinat vreodata probleme audio in cadrul unei sedinte? Cu ELTEK vei putea uita complet de probleme audio in cadrul conferintelor tale. Solutiile noastre sunt adaptate perfect infrastructurii tale, astfel incat vei avea intotdeauna audio de cea mai inalta calitate!

Factorii cheie care pot influenta acustica unei sali de conferinta sunt:

Materialele din care este realizata sala de conferinta;
Pozitionarea sistemului audio;
Ecoul produs
Solutions Services Equipments

Our company is skilled in designing and installing sound systems and specialized and certified team. ELTEK Conference Room solutions are fully compatible with the most popular unified communications platforms and hardware and suitable for:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google
  • Zoom Communications
  • Cisco Webex

ELTEK comes to your aid with a full range of services to support customers from the consulting stage in choosing the most suitable audio conferencing system to the stage where maintenance and technical support activities are required. The team of specialists is certified and has competencies to offer turnkey projects integrating the following services:

  • Systems Integration
  • Commissioning
  • Maintenance and Service
  • Managed Services

Our company offers professional audio conferencing systems solutions based on state-of-the-art equipment and software platforms, from world-renowned technology partners such as:

Need more information about ProAudio Systems?

Our specialists in Audio Systems are at your disposal.