Educatie prin entertainment
Va lipseste prezenta in fata salii de clasa? Realizati conexiuni mai stranse, indiferent de distanta, utilizand aplicatia Google Meet pe tabla interactiva SMART Board® pentru experiente de invatare cu adevarat antrenante.
Google Meet e acolo cand ai nevoie, dar predarea unei lectii via videoconferinta poate fi uneori haotica! Stiati ca tabla interactiva Smart board va poate ajuta? Conectati-va cu elevii si mentineti-i implicati, indiferent ca sunt in sala de clasa, la distanta sau in ambele locatii!
Stai, pot face videoconferinta pe tabla mea interactiva SMART Board?
Our Solutions
Information Systems -Digital Signage
Efficient information and communication are key elements for driving business further. But as minimal contact is still required, there are other ways to address your colleagues. Enter digital signage.
We offer a dynamic and interactive way of sharing your message through our vast collections of visual devices from respected producers like Sharp/NEC, LG, Absen..
Creating, scheduling, managing and distributing your content is done by our recommended out-of-the-box software package, PADS4.
Ocupation Information
An overcrowded office is not a safe office. Adding IoT solutions like sensors and LEDs to your building enhances not only the clear overview of your space’s occupancy, it also accelerates the search for an available space.
The sensor management solutions of the PADS4 IoT module make sure you always have the most accurate information regarding the occupation.
Turnkey projects
Our team offers complete solutions by providing the following services before, during and after the implementation process: Consultancy, Design, Procurement, Installation, Systems Integration and Maintenance and Technical Support.
We have also the capacity to integrate the solutions with building management systems like: electrical infrastructure, HVAC, data servers, security systems and fire detection systems.The solutions that will help you return to your office in a safe manner can be tested in our showroom in different workplace environments and applications.